Owning vs. Renting

Local mortgage lender, Jason M. Ruedy, also known as The Home Loan Arranger, believes that in most areas of the United States, there are plenty of opportunities to find good deals on homes. He thinks there will continue to be excellent buying opportunities well into the foreseeable future - especially while interest rates are low.

Mr. Ruedy's stated opinion on this matter is in response to a May 21, 2014 article published on NewYorkTimes.com entitled,"Rent or Buy? The Math is Challenging." The article appeared in the NewYorkTimes.com Upshot section, which "provides news, analysis and graphics about politics, policy and everyday life."

The author of the NewYorkTimes.com article debates the positives and negatives of renting vs. buying homes in various locations in the United States. According to the author, "Thanks to low interest rates and home prices that remain 13 percent below their 2006 peak nationally, buying continues to look like a good deal in much of the country." The article discusses the fact that the real estate market in this country has experienced a yo-yo pattern over the past 10 years - - renting was more attractive than buying during certain years, but the benefits of buying outweighed those of renting during other years.

"I agree with the article's author when he states that prices in much of California and the Northeast are now high enough that the costs of owning a home may outweigh the financial benefits. With today's low interest rates, however, I firmly believe that anyone hoping to own a home at any point in the near future should act now - while interest rates are still at historically low levels. There are still plenty of excellent buying opportunities out there." - Jason M. Ruedy, The Home Loan Arranger
Mr. Ruedy contends that it's nearly impossible to time the real estate market with 100 percent certainty and that people who want to be homeowners may not benefit significantly from waiting.
"Home prices are rising in many areas across the United States. If anyone truly desires to be a homeowner instead of a renter, it's advisable to lock in a low mortgage interest rate and bite the bullet sooner rather than later to avoid the possibility that housing prices will continue to rise." - Jason M. Ruedy, The Home Loan Arranger

About The Home Loan Arranger: 
Mr. Jason M. Ruedy, also known as The Home Loan Arranger, has 20+ year’s experience in the mortgage business. His company was built around the crucial principles of hard work, discipline, and determination. The Home Loan Arranger evaluates client applications quickly and efficiently and structures loans with the best possible terms. Mr. Ruedy is successful in achieving loan closings for clients while meeting their highest expectations. Jason M. Ruedy is ranked #2 in the state of Colorado by Scotsman Guide, which is the top leading resource for mortgage originators.
For media inquiries, please contact Mr. Jason M. Ruedy, "The Home Loan Arranger".

Phone: 604-218-2289

**This article was originally posted by PRWEB Online Visibility and Vocus


The Home Loan Arranger 
512 Cook St #100 
Denver, CO USA